Ready for Life

Supporting Youth and Young Adults as they transition into "real life".

Because no one should ever feel alone or abandoned when starting out life.

Coaching Programs

Welcome to the Life Mentoring community, browse around, stay awhile, contact me!

My name is Cindy, I am a Certified Life Coach (CCF), Investor (Real Estate and Stocks) and IT Professional who has spent 10 years as a manager coaching and developing my teams and colleagues.

I offer life mentoring services to people of all ages and am happy to meet and provide guidance and resources. My goal is to provide affordable or free service to older youth and young adults who have limited access to support as they transition into adulthood on their own. I know what it feels like to be alone, to feel forgotten and to be navigating life with little support. Allow me to be that support for you.

Click each photo below to learn more.

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Career Coaching

Financial Coaching

Wellness Coaching